Making Communities Better Places to Live and Work

Cities are growing by the day with more than two-thirds of the world’s population expected to live in urban areas by 2050. As cities grow, the way urban infrastructure evolves has never been more critical to community development, public safety and overall quality of life.

Imagine less congested streets, more efficient governments, lower operating costs and public services that make the lives of everyone easier, more informed, and safer. Penteon offers communities these benefits today with a solution that not only fits current needs and budgets, but can grow to meet the needs of tomorrow.


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The concept of a Smart City is focused on cities leading with technological innovation, while engaging and connecting with their economic, environmental and community health. The general goal is to collect actionable data, analyze it, and use that information to make cities more efficient, cost-effective, safe, and healthy.

The data collected within Smart Cities involves governments, enterprises, and industrial sectors, and can include many types of sensing. These include asset tracking, traffic monitoring, water management, utility meter reading (gas, water, electricity), environmental (lighting, water, air quality), and more.

Virtually limitless amounts of information can be collected in today’s smart cities. Penteon excels in assisting communities and industries to operate more efficiently while reducing operating costs and improving the quality and efficiency of services. Penteon’s unique “Sensing as a Service” business model and fully integrated solutions ranging from electronics design to Wireless Telecommunications and Cloud Computing, are turnkey solutions that collect more information – more efficiently – turning it into actionable insights that allow communities, industry and governments to make proactive and better decisions.

Sensing as a Service

Penteon delivers real-time sensing data, with intelligent machine-learning algorithms to proactively detect issues and address them before they become a problem – all with reduced installation times and affordable prices.

Designed from the ground up, our highly accurate, low-cost solutions are flexible enough to meet the needs of any community or enterprise, large or small, and can easily be integrated into existing operations.

Penteon designs electronic sensors, manages a purpose built, low-cost long-range wireless network and has satellite partnerships, cloud integration teams, data analytics and data governance systems.

Penteon integrates onboard “crypto chips” into every sensor, using the latest in encrypted telecommunications, and in specific circumstances, deploys Blockchain for immutable data storage.


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Penteon is building an open, public, low-power, long-range IoT network in the US offering service in all markets for all Smart City projects.

This infrastructure is critical for sensing applications due to its very low-cost per sensor – typically less than $2 per month. This low bandwidth, long-range technology is competitive to cellular which typically targets higher bandwidth applications for $8 to $50 per month per device.
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Penteon is moving rapidly on dozens of municipal and enterprise projects, ranging from Smart Cities, to Rail Locomotives, to environmental sensors and more.

Click above for up to date press releases and announcements.

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Smart Sensing applications typically incorporate the development or purchase of specific sensor electronics.

Operating as a “Sensing as a Service” provider, Penteon leverages its experience and engineering expertise to deliver purpose built, highly efficient sensors. These devices are not sold, but rented moving the typical high CAPEX for a project to an OPEX model.



Penteon Corporation

Located at:
1460 Broadway
New York, NY. 10036

Ph: +1 917.291.2927